Monday, February 14, 2005

"Pornography On Campus"
by :J. Montgomery Spencer

The other day I was searching the Internet for some information on Andrew Jackson, when I came upon a pornographic web site. Now I had heard of these things before, but I always thought that they were kept in a special place in the Internet. Not this site. It was third in a list of essays on Jacksonian America. It didn’t tell me it was going to be pornographic in nature, so I was quite surprised to see this young woman sodomized by a man who probably wasn’t in love with her.

Quickly I called my Residential Advisor to tell him of this occurrence. And to my shock, he said that it wasn’t uncommon at all. In fact, he said it was very common for people to not only stumble upon pornography, but to actively search for this smut on a regular basis. He went on to say that this sort of perversion is usually enjoyed (if you can even call it that) by self-pleasuring oneself.

Do people not know of the evils that pornography leads to in society? Can they not see that pornography (or porno, for short) is against everything that Jesus stood for? Isn’t it a fact that pornography probably has something to do with this nation’s growing illegitimacy rate?

As a concerned citizen and student here at BSU, I will be petitioning Student Senate to ban all pornography from campus. This ban will surely turn the tide on a growing trend of sexual deviants and homosexuals in the community. It may also cut down on a student’s laundry bill. Knowing what I know now, I can’t sleep at night with the thought that someone, maybe even my neighbor, could be looking at pornography.


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